Today, there are many threats present on the Internet that could damage your computer system and could steal and abuse your personal information. With ever more viruses, Trojans, and various other threats appearing, the Internet it is becoming a very volatile and unpredictable. Simple antivirus products may not be enough to maximise your protection. It is not just viruses that pose a threat; hackers also cause lots of trouble for Internet users. There are steps that you can take like using a proxy website that will allow you to remain more safe online while your surf and will hopefully minimise any chance of your personal data being stolen.
The first thing you should make sure you do is to ensure the installation of a good, effective antivirus product on your computer or network. Always do your homework before parting with any cash though. Look on forums, newsgroups, yahoo answers and various other sites and you should soon be able to get an idea on whether a product is worth buying or not. Once you have purchased a good antivirus products make sure you get regular updates on it. When you connect to the Internet the updates may happen automatically, though with some products will require some manual input to get the updates installed. Updates once a month or even once a week is not good enough with all the threats on the Internet. Ideally, you should be looking at getting updates for your product twice or three times every week.
Having a good antivirus product installed with regular updates should give you some fairly good protection. If you want to remain more private when you browse then you should use a proxy website. There are many available on the Internet and you should have no problem finding one via Google or Yahoo. The proxy will act as an intermediary between your computer and the Internet and will handle all data requests that you make for you. This means that websites that you visit will not be able to trace you but will only be able to log the proxy details like its IP address etc.
You could try visiting a ninja proxy for some good reviews on some products and to find a good proxy for you to use. There are many out there so you may have to do some careful research before just using any old one you come across. If you can afford it, and want to take Internet privacy and protection to a whole new level then you could invest some money in a product that offers encryption as a feature. This will keep prying eyes away from your Internet activities and will keep them as private as private can be.
To summarise, if you want to maximise your protection from threats online then you should
1) Make sure you have a good antivirus product installed
2) Make sure you use a reliable proxy website. A ninja proxy is a good one to look at
3) Ideally, find a product which allows you to encrypt all of your Internet data so that it can be kept completely private and safe.
Minggu, 12 Oktober 2008
Always Keep With Online Web Proxies
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Label: technology
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